1) 书信(letter).
1. 写信人的地址,写信日期,写在右上角。(有时包括收信人的地址)
3. 正文。
4. 结束语。
5. 署名。
Sample1 .letter of Thanks (感谢信)
May 6, 2010
Dear Mary,
I am deeply grateful to you and your husband for the gift you sent me on my 30th birthday.I like it very much, and I was very excited when I received your gift. It was very kind of you to do all this for me and I appreciate it more than I can say.
Yours sincerely
Sample2letter of Apology (道歉信)
May 9 ,2010
Dear Tina,
I am pretty sorry that I didn’t attend your 30th birthday party. I wanted to take part in it very much., but unfortunately I caught a bad cold on these days and I was sent to the hospital to have
injections. Please excuse me for my absence.
Sincerely yours
Sample 3letter of complaint (投诉信)
投诉信主要用于向有关部门或人员反映问题的信件。写投诉信时,要开门见山地指出问题所在及希望解决这些问题的方式、方法。陈述要准确简洁,提出要求要有理有据、让人 信服。
July 6.2010
Dear sir,
I ordered 3 cans of cola.2 gallons of milk, but you sent 2 cans of cola 3 gallons of milk. I want you to call me at 666-6572 when you are free and replace the things I want.
Sample 4Letter ofInvitation (邀请信)
一般来说,邀请信的格式分为两种,非正式的一般邀请信和正规格式的邀请信,即请柬。 邀请信有固定的格式,在信中要把邀请对方的活动内容、时间、地点表达清楚,使人一目了然,不能让人捉摸不定,模糊不清。
June 6.2010
Dear Windy,
We are going to have a party to celebrate my daughter’s 18th birthday. As you know, after that,she is gong to be an adult. We want you and Anderson to come and celebrate it. It’s next Friday, June 11, at 6:00 p.m. in our house.
I expect with great pleasure seeing you both.
Truly yours
Sample 5Letter of Congratulation(祝贺信)
祝贺信主要用于庆贺亲戚朋友结婚、生育、生日、晋升等,或在节假日向朋友致以节日的问候。 祝贺信语言要亲切,给人以真挚和温馨的感觉,不能夸大其辞,否则会给人留下虚假的印象。套语的使用要得当,不能太过刻板。
September 11,2010
Dear Rosemary,
Please accept my heartiest congratulation on your recent promotion and We have been watching your hard work in the past few years. Now, you got it, and you deserve it. We all feel really happy for you and We hope you get greater success in the near future.
Sample 6letter of Comfort (慰问信)
当亲人或朋友生病或出意外的时候,写一封慰问信表达同情和安慰,以缓解对方的焦虑、压力和难过的心情。因此,慰问信的书写一定要亲切、真诚、让人看了倍感温暖。December 12, 2010
Dear Judy,
I am terribly sorry to know that you were injured in a car accident on your way back home. It relieved me that you were not hurt very seriously ,and the car-driver was also caught by the policeman . I hope you have a good rest at home and recover soon. If I can do anything for you, don’t hesitate to tell me.
I sincerely hope you will get well soon.
1. 写信人的地址在右上角。
2. 收信人的地址在左边称呼的上面。
3. 日期写在写信人的地址下端。
2) 通知与海报(Notice and poster)
通知与海报主要用于公布活动信息、重要活动的时间、地点等的安排;因此,其语言应简洁、明确、清晰,写作格式也可灵活多样。通知、海报一般由标题、正文、落款等组成。标题一般都是notice和 poster或是announcement,也可根据具体不同的内容来定。正文中要用比较清楚的语言说明活动的内容、时间、地点、注意事项等。正文后是落款,包括出通知与海报的部门和日期。
Sample 1.A Notice
Mr. Johnson from Nanjing University will give us a speech on international environmental protection at 8:30 a.m. , Thursday , June 9.2010. All the students in Chemistry Department are required to come to the lecture on time. No absence is allowed.
Chemistry Department
June 8. 2010
Sample 2. A Poster
China vs. Korea
Place :City Stadium
Time :8:30 a.m. ,June 20
Fare:50yuanfor each
Ticket office: The Students’ Union
1. “To” : 收邮件的部门或个人。
2. “From”: 发邮件的部门或个人。
3. “Date” : 发邮件的如期。
4. “Subject”: 主题
5. 邮件内容。
To:liming <liming @sina.com>
From: Mary Smith <Windy @sohu.com>
Date: Mon. June .15, 2010
Subject: Re: Reservation of the Hotel for Mr. Liming
Dear Liming,
Welcome to Nanjing,
We have already booked a room for you at the Hilton Hotel for you, which is 15
kilometers away from the Airport, and it is just 3 kilometers away from our college. So it will be very convenient for you to go there by taxi and also to come to our company. As for our business negotiation, we would like to talk about it on the following day.
Contact us if necessary, and we hope you have a very good journey.
Sincerely yoursMary
The East Company
4)备忘录 (Memo)
1. 上端的中间写上标题“Memorandum” or “Memo”
2. “To” : 收阅人的姓名或者职务,可以免除头衔和称谓。
3. “From” :写发文人的姓名。一般情况下可以免写职务,免称谓。
4. “Date”: 日期,写在信笺的右上角或左边排列当中。
5. “Subject”(主题) :用简短的语言对备忘录的内容进行概括。
6. “Body” (正文): 备忘录可以免称呼,免客套用语。语言简洁明了,篇幅短小精悍,
7. “Reference Initials” ( 经手人代号或姓名缩写):撰写人姓名首字母,如 “JM” 等。
To : All students
From: Mr. Chen
Date: July 4. 2010
Subject : The class discipline
All the students should have the evening class from 7p.m. to 8p.m. on Mondaystill Fridays. No one should be absent. Anyone who asks for leave should call Mr. Wang inadvance.
If there is any questions, please consult the Dean Office.
5) 便条 (Note)
1. 必须写有收条人的称谓,熟悉的人之间可以省去“dear”.
2. 必须包括留条人的姓名,可以省去 “sincerely yours”等。
3. 必须包括留便条的日期,可以省去年份。
Miss Mary called you when you were having classes this morning. She wants to sign up for the summer class. Call her at 444—6527 before 4 p.m.
2. p.m.